Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Flying machines

One day, they say, we will run out of crude oil. If there are a finite amount of resources on this planet (to my knowledge giant rock munching oil secreting butt worms don't exist) then this makes sense. The utopian dream of zero reliance on oil is a long way off, but stretching our resources further using alternative tech is already here. We can already reduce fuel consumption with hybrid cars and more efficient engines. Our electric is slowly being supplemented by limitless green alternatives... one day I hope all energy will be green.

A big consumer of our finite fuel is the aviation industry. However there are those with a dream - a dream of flying machines! And I love it!!

Airships are back - see the BBC for article and video.

Yes, we'll soon be flying around again in airships thanks to companies like Hybrid Air Vehichles and potentially the return of the Zeppelin.



Unknown said...

Another fuel efficient flying machine from Honda

Unknown said...

Another fuel efficient flying machine from Honda